Friday, May 6, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

This blog post will describe how my project is coming along. I will describe major weaknesses/strengths of my rough cut.
1.     Obviously, this is a video essay. I would like you to keep in mind that there are going to be numerous instances of pauses and cut outs that don’t exactly flow. Please also keep in mind that this is only a rough draft. My ideas and conventions will be better represented in my final draft. Also, please disregard small things like the adjustment of the camera or weird tangents I go off on. These are obvious to me and will be fixed.

2.     There are quite a few weaknesses that I am aware of for my final cut. For one, there are countless pauses and abruptions of thought. This is inevitable with something like a video essay. Another thing that I am well aware of is the amount of times I go off topic. I tried to do some of this unscripted, so it was more natural. All of the tangents will be cut out for the final publication. I am also aware that some of the audio isn’t very clear. This was because of my distance from the camera. I will be able to fix this during the editing process. There are a few things that I would like you to know about these weaknesses. For one, sometimes I don’t know that I am going off on tangents. It is a normal thought process for me, so it doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. Please, keep a look out for any tangents that I go on.

3.     There are a few strengths to my rough cut. One is my use of an analogy to better explain the title. The story is about a day in the life of the writing process of Ben. Because it is a day, I started the video out in the morning, which progressed to the afternoon, and then ended in the night. The changes in scenery were meant to reflect the different times of the day (or how my writing process has changed over time). Another strength my rough cut has is my use of visual effects to explain my writing process. I started out with an old windbreaker to symbolize my lack of effort in my writing process. My outfits slowly got more professional, ending with a suit to symbolize how I have taken writing more seriously. I would like you to keep in mind that all of the settings were intentional. The beginning was supposed to be like an introduction to a bed-time-story. Please let me know if these effects aren’t obvious.

1 comment:

  1. Good Afternoon!

    First off, the idea behind your video essay is great. The introduction really does get my attention and most of your ideas are present which is great.

    Towards the end you reached a point of writers block I am assuming where you still need to develop your ideas. My suggestion would actually be to include in the video how you over come writer's block and get new ideas to proceed forward. It seems like you already have a conclusion in mind, but you cannot get to it.

    Good luck and hopefully this helps!
