Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review for Jason Boley (14a)

            This blog post will contain information regarding a peer review I preformed for a student in the same section. I will analyze ways that I helped them, and something that I admired about their work.
1.     I peer reviewed Jason Boley’s Content Outline.
2.     I decided to make an outlining suggestion for this peer review. I gave Jason feedback on the level of detail and development of his outline.
3.     I helped make Jason’s work better by making suggestions as to how he could develop his outline. For instance, I suggested creating an attention grabber that would actually appeal to the audience. I suggested trying to establish ethos by possible describing a personal story that is both relevant and interesting. This will help grab the reader’s attention. I also recommended developing his outline a little more. He should describe what he will be in each segment of the video when he is constructing the outline. This will make it easier to create a rough draft.
4.     When I was suggesting that Jason establish his credibility, I was incorporating “Consider Your Character and Credibility” from page 228 of the Student’s Guide. I talked about creating ethos in order to present himself as a credible person. This would, in return, create an attention grabber. This is because the audience members enjoy it when they can relate to what they are saying (hence the personal story).

5.     One thing that I really admired about Jason’s work is how well his outline flowed. Each topic seemed to be somewhat related to the other, which created a nice transition between each topic. This will make it much easier for a rough draft to be constructed.

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