Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14b

            This blog post will contain information regarding my content outline and the adaptation of the content outline (i.e. rough draft). I will discuss how I used form and typical conventions of a video essay to present the content.
Outline Item
 Third topic:
Evidence 2: Final products for project 1 and project 2
·      Shows how time management plays a role in the final product of your paper
·      Project 1 was more last minute than project 2 was
·      Shows how I have become better at not procrastinating
·      I realized that my time spent on the project will be reflected in the final draft
·      I have become more of an organized writer
·      Display glimpses of each project
·      Go to videos of rushing to submit a final draft
·      This is significant because it shows how my motivations and time management have changed
Adaptation of Outline Item
That can be found here

1.     This part of the video/outline is from the last main discussion point. With that being said, it is the end of the day (nighttime). This is because the entire video is based on a day in the life of Ben’s writing process. The end of the writing process is the revisions/ final product (hence the end of the day). Not only was it night time, but I was also in my pajamas and ready for bed (messed up hair). I also made it seem kind of like an interview. After all, the entire video is about my writing process, so I put the camera write in front of me and acted like I was answering a previous question. In terms of conventions, I tried to make it as visually appealing as possible. The setting/attire were all supposed to help the audience realize that this was the end of the day in the life of Ben’s writing process. I tried to speak with an interview-like tone to fit the setting of this section.

2.     The production of this section of the rough draft went a lot better than the last. Because I had more experience incorporating what I imagined into reality, I had an easier time recording video/creating the setting. It also became easier to put myself in the shoes of the interviewee because I had done it a few times. There were, however, a few difficulties with this process. For some reason, my phone kept cutting the upper half of my body off. So, the video was just of my shirt and me talking. Another difficulty was trying to expand on the topic more than I already had. At that point in the video, I felt like I had already explained the changes that you can see in my writing in great detail. So, I feel like the video might have lacked content because I was afraid of repeating myself.

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