Friday, May 6, 2016

Peer Review for Nick Hernandez

            This blog post will describe the peer review I preformed for a student in my class. I will describe how I helped Nick make his work better, and something that I admired about his outline.

1.     I peer reviewed Nick Hernandez’s content outline.

2.     I made an outline suggestion for Nick’s peer review. I discussed how detailed and developed his outline was.

3.     I helped make Nick’s outline better by suggesting that he adds a few things to it. For one, the addition of a hook in the introduction would help his outline/QRG. This would allow for the audience to be drawn in right away, which would allow for them to be more engaged throughout the entire publication. I also suggesting incorporating a thought-provoking leaving statement. This would allow the audience to continually be thinking about the ending statement (which may draw them to read it again). I also suggested incorporating evidence into his outline. This would allow for the audience to better understand what he is referencing at all times.

4.     If we look at pages 46 and 47 of the Student’s Guide, there is a section that gives the general format of an outline. I addressed a few things from this section. For one, I suggested that he incorporate direct evidence (i.e. illustrations) to allow the audience to better understand what Nick is addressing. I also suggested leaving something to think about, so the audience would continually be thinking about his publication.

5.     One thing that I really admire about Nick’s outline is how detailed and honest it is. At first glance, his outline seems more like an essay. But if you read it, it is quite broad and gives a very good outline for the structure of his QRG.

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