Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Schedule

            The following post will contain a production schedule for the final project. This blog post will not only discuss when things will be completed, but also what materials may be required and changes after the completion of it.
Day one:
·      I will start and finish the opening section of rough draft on May 2 at about 12 p.m
·      This will be completed about an hour later in my dorm in a study room
·      I will need fake glasses, a book (does not matter what), my computer, and my phone
·      I will change the amount of details that I provide (most likely less specific). This will limit the amount of wasted time and put more focus on the topic of the video
Day two:
·      I will start and finish the introduction of my first topic and two pieces of evidence on May 3 at 7 a.m.
·      This will be completed in roughly 3.5 hours
·      It will be in a quiet place where the sun is beginning to rise (around the McKale Center)
·      I will need a GoPro and coffee/breakfast
·      I will reduce the amount of references made to past time publications (like essays from high school). This will allow for me to spend more time on the description of my writing process in this course.
Day 3:
·      I will introduce the second topic and describe/analyze the two pieces of evidence on May 3 at 1 p.m.
·      This will be completed in about a 3 hours
·      This will be located on the fourth floor of the student union
·      I will need a GoPro and lunch
·      I will need to change/reduce the amount of repetition that I have on genres. This will allow for less cyclical reasoning and will make my descriptions more clear
Day 4:
·      I will introduce/ describe the third topic and its pieces of evidence on May 3 at 9 p.m.
·      This will be finished in 2.5 hours
·      It will be located in my dorm in a study room
·      I will need to have pajamas and my GoPro/computer
·      I will need to expand on the overall editing process (not just reviews I received, but peer reviews that I conducted as well). This will provide a more in-depth explanation as to how my editing process has developed (thus providing more clarity).
Day 5:
·      I will complete the closing section of my video on May 4 at 10 p.m.
·      This will be finished in an hour
·      It will be located in my dorm
·      I will need pajamas and my GoPro

·      I will need to cut down on my review of all the points that I made. This is because they take up too much time and could be much shorter. This will allow for the continued engagement of the audience

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