Friday, May 6, 2016

Peer Review for Sarah Hansen

            This blog post will describe the peer review I did for a student in a different section. I will describe how I helped her, and things that I admired about her video essay.

1.     I peer reviewed Sarah Hansen’s “Open Post to Peer Reviewers (Fine Cut Actually)”

2.     I decided to make a redesign recommendation for Sarah’s video. I addressed how she should change one of the genre conventions to improve her project.

3.     I helped make Sarah’s final cut better by suggesting that she change one of her genre conventions. Video essays traditionally include all types of evidence, including images and other video clips. Sarah included various video clips as her evidence. While the clips were entertaining, they were quite distracting. They left me confused as to what she was talking about before hand. Because of that, I suggested that she include more still pieces of evidence. Something like an image with voiceover would allow the audience to stay focused on the topic. The inclusion of an image with audio is still in line with typical video essay conventions.

4.     If we look at page 71-72 of a Student’s Guide, we see that there is a section about giving feedback. When I was giving my feedback, I made sure to incorporate information pertaining to Sarah’s use of evidence. I addressed the overall effectiveness of each piece of evidence. I also made sure to recommend how she could change her evidence to better support her claim (about her writing process).

5.     One thing that I really admired about Sarah’s fine cut was how creative she was. Her inclusion of her roommate really made her video stand out. Also, she did a great job at establishing credibility for herself by making plenty of personal (and relevant) anecdotes.

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