Sunday, February 21, 2016

My Verbs

was                  began               change                         was                              to consider      
had made         manipulate       manipulated                 proved                         believed          
discovered       set                    would have proven      began                           to modify
put                   accomplish      was                              was promoted              promoted
discovered       began               found                           became            formed
held                 was                  inserting                      failed                           began
made    transformed     made    is         seem    are found         found               is         performs injects           makes              bind     form    cuts                              cannot regenerate         makes           is           encounters       to attack           to copy                        seems              comes  to destroying does           have                 implies             can program                to cut               wants   is                say            wanted             program            to destroy                    found               want    to cut          have          is                     said                  be                    do        destroy             cuts            is         try           repair           fit                     leaves              inserted            is         is                     program           release contains           fit            produce           understand       arise     understand       has       have     does cure                     proven                         to cure             had            called               is         overproduces fight      is         are       fight                 begin              to replace                     becomes          is       is            to kill   to save                         proves             have                          to cure             cured has         cure     is         produce           to develop            treated                          can treat           can cure           developed        to remove        destroy            produce                       used      set     modify             is         to edit
Rotman, Steve. "Verb" 10/08/2006 via flickr
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic
was: 4              insert: 2
make: 4            seem: 2
discover: 2
begin: 5
manipulate: 2
prove: 4
found: 3
promote: 2
become: 2
modify: 2
is: 13
do: 3
has: 6
cure: 6
fight: 2
want: 3
fit: 2
produce: 2
cut: 3
treat: 2
destroy: 3
understand: 2

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