Friday, February 26, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

1.       Dr. Pagel has co-authored approximately 15 professional publications during his career. All of

these articles follow the standard scientific research paper format. All of his research papers

include experiments using MRI contrast agents in order to detect certain things. For instance, one of

the agents is for the detection of nitric oxide and another is for esterase enzyme activity. The use of

MRI contrast agents is ultimately used for the detection/measurement of cancer. The main focus of

Dr. Pagel's research is on the measurement of tumor acidosis.

          Dr. Latt has co-authored approximately 25 professional publications. Because Dr. Latt is an assistant professor of orthopedics, all of his articles address medical-related issues. One of Dr. Latt's main focuses (as described in the previous blog post) in in the foot and ankle. Many of the articles he has published address the tendons/bones surrounding the foot and ankle. There are also publications
regarding the use of imaging techniques (MRI and ultrasounds) to examine injuries relating to

2.           The first of Dr. Pagel's articles can be found here. This publication is a scientific report. The article begins with an abstract and then an introduction of enzymes and their roles in cancer. The report then goes on to describe the methods that Dr. Pagel and his team used to detect this enzyme activity. After the methods section came the results in which the findings were published. After the results came the discussion and then the conclusion of the report. Another publication by Dr. Pagel was about measuring a tumor using MR imaging. This publication began with an abstract and then an introduction of pHe and how it is presented in cancer.

           The materials and methods of the experiment were then thoroughly described, along with the results,discussion, and conclusion. Both of Dr. Pagel's publications are scientific reports. They are
extremely formatted publications. They will always begin with an abstract, then an intro, then to methods, then results, and then a discussion/conclusion. These reports dozens of multiple hyperlinks to images that describe different processes and structures in the experiment. There are also a lot of graphs and tables that provide the numbers and statistics to their findings. The results are always thoroughly discussed and explained. The publications also include images of MRIs that were taken during the experiment to help further illustrate their findings.
Dombrowski, Quinn. "Chemistry"  04/01/2012 via flickr
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic
         The syntax and word-choice in his publications are very scientific. The content is extremely

specific and never uses ambiguous terms. The reports also use lots of statistics to back up any claims

made by the author.
      The first publication by Dr. Latt can be found here. The article begins by describing what the

objective of the article is, and then lays out the design of the experiment. It then goes on to describe

the setting, participants, and interventions. The experiment is about the effects of Tai Chi on physical

function among stroke survivors. The article then describes the measurements and the

      The second study aims to develop a model of trochlear dysplasia (abnormal geometry of the
patello-femoral joint) using a female cadaver. It starts by the description of this anatomic abnormality and the purpose of the study. This is followed by the methods of the experiment and the
        The publications by Dr. Latt are also very formulated. They stick to the same general scientific

format that Dr. Pagel used (methods, results, and conclusions). However, they are different in some

of the types of categories that they use. For instance, Dr. Latt's first publication describes the

objective, design, setting, and participants used for the study. This follows more of the experimental

format of a scientific report (where you use actual participants for the study). The publications are

like scientific reports in that they follow the format, but they do not provide the volume of content

and images that reports do. They are, in a sense, just experimental findings that can still be described

as a scientific report.  The second publication sticks to similar categories that Dr. Pagel used in his

scientific reports (abstract, methods, and results).
       There is another key difference between Dr. Latt's and Dr. Pagel's publications. Dr. Latt does not

include any graphs or hyperlinks to add to his publication. His reports are also much shorter (in

length) than Dr. Pagel's publications are. However, Dr. Latt still uses scientific language and syntax

in his article. The results section still describes all of the outcomes (numerically) that Dr. Pagel did,

but in the absence of graphs.

3. The first article (by Dr. Pagel) was published on March of 2014 using a standard scientific report

format. It was published in the US National Library of Medicine (NCBI). This government-regulated

site gives the publication more validation and a more professional tone to it.

       The fact that all of the authors work at research labs/universities (Harvard Med school, Case
Western Reserve University, UA) gives the article a more scientific/professional context.
      The only issue with scientific reports, as far as context goes, is that there are not going to be many outside influences on it. The reason is because the publications are entirely based on experiments, which result in purely statistical information.
     However, there was a historical event that is somewhat related to the study of disease. In spring of 2014, the ebola epidemic became a global crisis. It spread throughout some of West Africa and was only contained in a few countries. The only reason why this may provide some historical context is because ebola, like cancer, has killed many and there is (at the time) no known cure to it.

    The second article was published on March of 2012 on the same website. The website, as discussed, gives a more professional tone to the paper. Again, the authors are all professors from universities, which gives the piece a more scientific context.

     Although there were numerous publications regarding cancer research, there were no relevant

stories that could have provided any relevant context to the article. Again, because this is a scientific

report, there won't be many outside influences on it.
        The first article by Dr. Latt was published on May 2014 on "Pub Med". This is essentially the same site that Dr. Pagel used and thus gives it the same sort of tone.
        All of the authors that contributed to the work are in the college of nursing or medicine, and so, gives it more validity and professionalism to it.
          Although there weren't any historical events that directly related to this article, there was an outbreak of poliomyelitis. The only reason why this could be relevant and provide some context is because the disease was worldwide and it affected many (much like strokes are).
         The next article was published on October 2014 on the same website. All of the authors had strong credentials and provide the same tone/context mentioned earlier. There were no events found that would provide context for this publication.

4.     In Dr. Pagel's first article, the overall message was that the catalyst MRI was successful in
detecting/tracking the cancer enzyme. Not only did it successfully track it, but it also improved the
analysis of enzyme activity. The reason why this is the message is because the main goal off the experiment was to see if the catalyst MRI was effective in tracking the cancer enzyme (which it was). This will be the reasoning for the following articles as well. This can be seen in the conclusions section of the publication.

    As far the second article, the overall message was that the use of CEST was able to measure pHe with more precision. It could also measure lower pH levels which allowed for the measurement of the tumor to be calculated more effectively. This was in the conclusions section of the publication.

   Dr. Latt's first article, proved that Tai Chi was effective in improving physical function of stroke victims. This was the message because, as with all scientific article, this was the main goal of the experiment. This can be found in the conclusions portion of the publication.

       His second article concluded that the elevation of the trochlear floor could create a model for dysplastic trochlea. This is the main message because this was the entire purpose of the experiment. This is found in the conclusions section of the article.

5.    The purpose of Dr. Pagel's first publication was to determine the feasibility of catalyCEST MRI. This can be found in the purpose section of the publication. The second publication's purpose was to find out if CEST-FISP MRI was effective in more accurately measuring tumor size. This can be found in the results section.
    The purpose of Dr. Latt's first publication was to examine Tai Chi's effect on physical function (among stroke patients). This can be found in the objective. The second publication aimed to create a simulated dysplastic trochlea. This can be found in the purpose and the conclusion.

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