Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assesment

1. I feel decently strong about my essay. I am excited to see if people enjoy the essay as much as i enjoyed the subject. Also, I want to see how people react to the essay. What do they think of genetic engineering? Hopefully my essay was unbiased enough as to leave them an option for either side. Was my essay top-notch? No. The thing is is that I had to basically redo my entire essay. I clearly did not understand the directions for the first draft  and so I had to revise just about everything.

2. My largest weakness was probably my organization. I know that all of the content was there, but I don't know where it was at all times. I believe the essay to be organized and on topic, but as I have learned from past-experience, it seems to deem from the topic at times. Other than organization, the development of my stakeholders may have been shallow. I certainly gave plenty examples of who they were, but I am not totally sure that gave a complete picture to the audience.
cheerfulmonk. "procrastination" 01/03/2011 via flickr
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3. A major strength in my essay is the plethora of examples that I use. I believe that I used enough examples for the stakeholders/background story in order for the audience to get a complete picture of the story. Another great strength in my essay was the development of the story. I thoroughly explained the event and made sure that my audience would be able to comprehend the material.

4. My time management skills have still deemed terrible. I underestimated the amount of time that each of these blog posts would take. I learned to just make all of the blog posts at once in Word and then post them later in order to save time switching in between them. I did procrastinate on a lot of the blog posts and the essay itself. However, it wasn't necessarily my "choice" to do this. I was staying up very late and waking up early each day throughout the week, so any amount of time spent towards the project would have caused 2-3 days without sleep. The problem with the essay is that I my firs draft was almost totally useless so I had to basically rewrite the whole thing.

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