Sunday, March 6, 2016

Production Schedule

            The purpose of this blogpost is to create a schedule for the production of the project. This will allow for a more organized and on time production process. This will reduce procrastination and other things that could inhibit the start of the production of the project.
1.     Research
·      The first step in the process is to conduct more research on publications in my field
·      I will need to understand each of the types of genres present and how they differ/relate to one another
·      A majority of the research will take place online
·      Some of the research will be conducted in the main and S&E library
·      This step will take place on March 7th around 3 p.m. and continue approximately 1-2 hours
·      I will need access to the internet and the libraries
·      I will explain the differences between genres more effectively in my podcast
·      This will allow me to discuss the conventions of these genres in a more meaningful sense
2.     Opening
·      I will create the introduction of my podcast segment
·      This will include: intro of myself, intro of my podcast segment, and any attention grabber (such as a question or real world example).
·      This will be recorded in a private room in the library
·      I will occur on March 8th around 2 p.m. and should only last about 15 minutes
·      I will be using a cell phone or the headphone microphone as my recording device and computer/notebook to take down notes and view my outline
·      I will change my attention-grabber so that it applies more to the audience and less to people who are specialists in the field
·      This will cause the audience to be more engaged with the podcast
3.     First topic on scientific reports
·      I will give an overview of the first genre
·      I will include the section of audio from my interview with Dr. Pagel about scientific reports
·      This will be done in a private room in the main library
·      This will be done the same day as the intro
·      It will be done when I finish recording the introduction
·      This will be recorded using the same tools as the intro uses
·      This will be done within 20 minutes of starting it
·      I will cut out my explanation of a scientific report and instead insert Dr. Pagel’s definition of one
·      This will reduce the time of the podcast and reduce repetition
4.     Evidence #1/Analysis
·      I will introduce the first piece of evidence
·      I will first discuss what the evidence is proving
·      Then, I will analyze the document for rhetorical strategies and situations
·      I will be sure to clearly explain the specifics of the genre
·      This will be done in a private room in the library/my dorm on March 9 at 11:30 a.m.
·      This will take anywhere from 30-45 minutes
·      This will require the same resources discussed earlier
·      I will focus more on the discussion of the publication itself and how it is an example of the genre at hand
·      This will give my audience a better picture of what a scientific report is
5.     Evidence #2/Analysis
·      I will introduce the second piece of evidence for scientific reporting
·      I will discuss what it is proving and the context, purpose, audience, rhetorical strategies, etc. surrounding the genre
·      I will make sure to explain how the conventions of a scientific report are represented here and how this article differs in some of its conventions (such as more images or graphs)
·      This will be done in the same location as the previous piece of evidence and on the same date
·      This will be started after the first piece of evidence is talked about
·      This may take from 30-40 minutes
·      This will use the same resources
·      I will remove any repeated conventions and discuss the ones that are specific to the publication in more detail
·      This will allow for a more in depth analysis as to how small changes in a publication can cause a complete change in something like the audience
6.     Introduce image guides
·      I will provide a brief and general description of an image guide
·      This will be recorded in my dorm using the materials discussed previously
·      This will take place on March 10 at 4 p.m. and will take about 10 minutes
·      The introduction will be shortened in length and content
·      The changes were made so that the audience was given the information in an efficient manner so that more time could be left for discussion
7.     Evidence #1/Analysis
·      The first piece of evidence for image guides will be introduced
·      It will be analyzed for its conventions that fit the genre and then for more specific conventions (such as the impact of more images or visual aids)
·      This will be done in my dorm after the introduction to image guides is done
·      This will take about 45 minutes to complete and will use the same materials
·      I will take out any parts that aren’t directly related to the piece of evidence
·      This will decrease the time spent on unnecessary topics
8.     Evidence #2/Analysis
·      The evidence will be introduced and the typical conventions of the genre will be discussed from this specific article
·      The conventions that are slightly different in this publication will be mentioned and analyzed for how they affect audience or any other rhetorical situation/strategy
·      This will be completed in a private room in the library using the same materials discussed earlier on March 10 at about 9pm.
·      It will be finished in about 30-45 minutes
·      I will go back through and take out anything that is repeated
·      This will reduce repetition and maximize volume of content
9.     Introduce image reports
·      The general definition of an image report will be stated with a short introduction into the conventions of this genre
·      This will be completed on March 11th at about 6pm at my house
·      The same materials will be used for this part of the podcast
·      It will be completed in about 5-10 minutes
·      I will cut the length of this portion of the podcast to only 10-20 seconds
·      This will allow for more time to discuss the two pieces of evidence
10.  Evidence #1/analysis
·      The typical conventions of an image report will be discussed in accordance with the first piece of evidence
·      Any conventions that are specific to this publication will be analyzed in how they affect anything like logos, context, or audience
·      This will be started at the same location of the introduction and just after the introduction is finished
·      This should be finished in about 30 minutes using the same materials as before
·      I will change the content to be more of a comparison to the scientific report and the image guide
·      This will allow the audience to directly understand the differences and similarities between the three
11.  Evidence #2/analysis
·      The typical conventions present in this publication will be discussed
·      Any conventions specific to this article will be stated with their impact on the strategies/situations
·      This will be completed about 20-25 minutes after evidence one is discussed (about 6:40 p.m.)
·      This will be done in my house in my room with the same materials as before
·      I will take out any repeated things such as conventions
·      This will save time for the closing section
12.  Closing
·      Briefly explain the conventions of the three genres
·      Re-cap on the purpose of each
·      Thank the audience
·      This will be done at about 7:10 p.m. on the same Friday as before (March 11th), in the same location, and using the same materials
·      This will take about 10 minutes
·      I will add in a closing statement that is more interesting/relevant to the topic
13.  Editing
·      Edit the podcast so that all of the information flows together nicely
·      Make sure all of the content is there
·      This will be done on March 12th at about 2 p.m. on an airplane
·      This will take about 60-80 minutes
·      I will edit it using either iMovie or an audio-editing software using my computer
·      I will also be using my phone that has all of the recordings on it
·      I will use a notebook to write any notes down on editing
·      The second round of editing will make the podcast more concise and efficient for the audience

·      This is done so that the audience can be informed of the matter in a timely matter so that their time is not wasted

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