Saturday, March 12, 2016

Production Report

This blog post will contain raw material from the first draft of my project. I will be analyzing how I used the conventions of a podcast to present the material.
A.   Outline Item: Opening Section:
·      Introduction: Hello and welcome to BME radio, where all things biology, engineering, and medicine are discussed
·      Today we are going to discuss an overlooked aspect in the field: the writing of a publication
·      We will be giving various genre examples and explaining the rhetorical situations and strategies that the authors employ

1.     I began the podcast with an introduction of the podcast section/the name of the host (myself). I then talked about what we would be discussing that day and posed a “question of the day”. I tried to mimic the introduction of a radio podcast by introducing myself in such a way. I also gave a general overview of the podcast radio and what we would be talking about that day. I also posed a question that would be answered throughout the podcast. The colloquial language and conversational syntax also used the conventions of a podcast.
2.     The production of the introduction was somewhat difficult. The recording presented is probably the third or fourth try at the intro.

There were a few main challenges in this section of the podcast. For one, I couldn’t seem to formulate my sentences. There were a bunch of pauses and a few ums as I was trying to figure out what I was going to say next. It was sometimes hard to transition to the next point in the introduction because they were somewhat unrelated. However, I normally had great success in the introduction of the topic and the podcast as this seemed to be fairly straight forward. The outline certainly helped me organize my thoughts during this process.

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