Saturday, January 30, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

Forums relating to BME are much different on Reddit than they are on Twitter. All of the tweets appear to be from large corporations simply describing conferences they are hosting. Reddit seems to be a more user-based website.  
The forums on Reddit are very broad. By this I mean that they cover a lot of aspects of my major. Some of the threads talk about the best companies to work for (based on pay, work experience, hours, etc.). People comment saying how much they liked their company and the pros and cons of it.
Another aspect of Reddit are the questions pertaining to post-graduate work with a BS in BME. Some forums ask what they should do with the degree (grad school, med school, industry) while others discuss their experiences with internships. Another interesting and popular thread poses research questions and plenty of individuals comment and debate on it.
Spanaut. "Sawanni" 07/06/06 via Flickr
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic
Perhaps the article that I found the most interesting can be found here. I have two justifications for my choice. The first is because I, like this thread am very intrigued by the possibilities of technology in relation to medicine. I mean, what if we really could change humans to be smarter, faster, and stronger? With how fast technology is changing, my question my not seem so ridiculous in a few decades.
The second reason I enjoy this particular thread so much is because some of the participants get so angry with one another. And when emotion is brought in to an argument, all logic washes away. It is interesting to see how each of them insults each other and how they could get so angry over an internet thread.
The other article that I found very interesting was one discussing a master’s degree in BME with a BS in mechanics. I found this interesting because it applies to what I think and wonder about all the time. Threads like these give me some good opinions and insight as to what I should do with my degree.
The interesting thing is that the forums were not what I expected at all. Twitter seemed to be so much different. They were all about large corporations hosting these huge events with few discussions of actual bio-med topics. The individuals on Reddit seemed genuine and helpful.

Their talks were just about helping each other out and discussing the pros and cons of certain programs and jobs. Surely you had the expected debate over DNA-infused humans, but that is no different than any other sight. Even that thread had plenty of things to learn from.

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