Saturday, January 23, 2016

Course Projects.

It's 11:37 pm and your first major project is due in 22 minutes. This wouldn't be so nerve-wracking if you hadn't just started last week. The only this holding you back from clicking "Submit" are your tremoring hands and lack of confidence in your work.

  • I am awfully scared that I will procrastinate for too long and that I won't be able to produce a high quality product. The thing that I am most nervous about the postmortem project is the amount of research necessary. Not necessarily the amount of work required, but I am scared I won't be able to find all of the information I need. I do not know where to begin on many of these projects. I am nervous about conducting the interviews for the second project. Not necessarily in the sense of interacting with them, but how my questions will be formatted and what they will ask. 

  • Moralee, Neil. "More Serious Than You Think !" 02/28/2015 via flickr
    Creative Commons
  • I am most excited to learn about controversial topics in my field of interest. I am always curious to learn more information about controversies in the medical field. This will give me more insight as to what I am studying and will hopefully prove my interest in the subject. It is going to be wonderful to talk to faculty in the field I am studying. I can get insight as to how they like it and what they are doing with their degree. The interviews will also hopefully confirm my decision to study BME. As for the third project goes, I am excited to research a topic and then argue about it. I am not very great at conveying my ideas, but hopefully this will help me develop that. As for the final project goes, I am very excited to learn more about myself. I will hopefully develop my skills even further by looking at past comments and feedback.
  • I will need to plan ahead for all of these projects. Truly, the main thing that I need to plan for is the "pre-production". That is because once I get started on the project, I can normally finish it in a timely manner. In regards to the first project, I will need to plan ahead mostly for the amount of research necessary. I have preformed some research in the past and it is a time-consuming process. I will also need to make sure I allow "buffering time" between, say, pre-production and production. This will certainly challenge my time-management skills (after all, I am quite the procrastinator). As for the second project goes, I will need to make sure I set up the interviews well before the any due dates. And even before that I will need to make sure that I have my questions well sorted out.
  • We had numerous large assignments in my previous english classes. However, the research for these assignments were purely book-based and did not require many outside sources. The amount of work necessary to complete those were quite excessive. Although, I have never had something as long and lengthy as the main course projects. The main thing that not only my english courses taught me but also my school taught me is time management. I may be a procrastinator, but that does not mean that I don't make time for assignments. It simply implies that I habitually postpone assignments, but I have learned how to make time for them. I am also very dedicated when it comes to any assignment in life. That is why when I start the assignment, I will get it done in a timely manner. 
  • I do have a question that was not completely answered by the assignment sheet (or perhaps i merely missed the information). I am confused as to how the research (required for the first project) is supposed to be conducted. Is this totally online/written research or are we also supposed to talk to faculty members?
  • Reflection: There are a few things that I realize when examining my classmates' works. The first is that there is still going to be a lot of work required to gain knowledge about your major even though it is the field your studying. Video and audio will certainly bring a new perspective to the way I convey information. I realized that I have created a few videos and hopefully I will be able to bring those skills to this english class. I will certainly make sure (again) that I am very specific in my posts. I have also learned that I need to think outside these questions and apply them more to me and what they mean. Reading other people's posts confirms that I am  not the only one extremely excited to begin these projects. Nor am I the only one deathly afraid to do them either. Nevertheless, I am excited to see what skills and insights these projects bring to my classmates and me. I commented on Sofia Haserot's and Jason Boley's blogs. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree that procrastination will be a very large threat in the progress of the projects. In order to receive full points, we will have to put our best foot forward, which may become more and more difficult as the semester wears on. Book research was also a staple in my high school career, however, online and field research were also very important in many projects as well. It maybe weird at first, however, different types of research opens up so many opportunities.

  3. I highly agree with what you said about procrastinating and planning ahead being problems because those have been problems for me forever. The one thing I couldn't align with was your excitement to conduct the interviews because I am poor at talking to strangers, especially when they are much older. As for your question, the research can most likely be both online/written as well as talking to faculty members as long as the faculty members are able to provide sources for what they say!

    *Had to edit

  4. I'm also very excited to conduct research on a controversial topic. Moreover, I cannot wait to start conducting interviews inside and outside the university. To answer your question, I believe that any sort of research that transcends just reading and regurgitating text would be more than appreciated by the professor.
